Exploring YouTube Confidently:

A family guide to supervised experiences

Every family is different, that’s why we have choices. Explore some helpful tips to help build healthy digital habits.


PHD & Director of Center for Research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media


MD, MPH, Pediatrician


Choose from 3 different content settings

These settings generally align with content ratings based on age and provide progressively greater access to YouTube videos across more topics and genres. Learn more about supervised experiences or create an account.

Tips & tricks

  • Consider making a family media contract about when and where your kid can watch
  • Clearly outline what type of content they should not watch & create a plan of action
  • Outline steps they can take if a video makes them uncomfortable, unsafe or unsure

Don’t fall for fake

Discerning between what’s real and what’s fake online is an important skill for kids to develop when watching videos online and spending time online.

Tips & tricks

  • Encourage your kids to use critical thinking when watching videos & trust their instinct
  • Teach how to look for trustworthy sources when learning about current events, historical figures and other popular topics
  • Look out for clickbait, suspicious URLs, logos or exaggerated titles
  • Discuss with a parent when you find something that feels incorrect

It’s cool to be kind

Encourage kids to think about whether the people in the videos they watch are treating others the way they would want to be treated.

Tips & tricks

  • Teach your kids to stop the spread of mean videos by not passing them on to others
  • Explain how to report videos that are hateful, include harrassment or are inappropriate
  • Discuss with an adult they trust if they find a video that makes them feel upset or uncomfortable
  • Chat about YouTube Creators or channels that create positive impact & discourage bullying

Be in control of your scroll

Digital wellbeing is ensuring that the way we use technology doesn’t negatively affect our mental, physical, social or emotional health.

Tips & tricks

  • YouTube’s break and bedtime reminders are automatically turned on in supervised experiences
  • Encourage kids to watch content that encourages movement
  • Set a maximum amount of time to spend on YouTube per week using the Google Family Link app
  • Customize your notification quiet hours